13 October, 2009

Jon Gosselin has to Pay Some of the Money Back : $180,000

Jon Gosselin has been ordered to pay $180,000 of they money that he took from a joint account with Kate.  The withdral of $230,000 was prohibited by a prior arbitration order.  The money must be returned by October 21st, or Jon will be held in contempt of court.  I wonder if he even has $180,000 left.  Jon is now claiming that Kate has taken over $1million.  Kate is also required to account for her expenses on October 26th. 

Today Jon Gosselin tweeted "Today was a long day. Today the court divided my family, today I watched a mother and father lose their son. Today I watched my best friend's daughter lose her father. Today I lost a great friend!!! RIP JF. Let's remember to live everyday like it was our last."  Our condolences to Jon for losing a friend today. 

Last weekend Jon had a friend over to play.  He introduced Michael Lohan to his kids.  Then they had talks about the reality show they have been planning, The Divorced Dad's Club.  While Michael Lohan was there he tried to get Jon to join the Celebrity Boxing Federation, Jon said no, and rode Jon's dirtbike around the property.   I heard a rumor the other day that Lindsay is again not returning Michaels calls and he's calling media and gossip columnists to try to get them to talk to her for him. 

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