26 August, 2009

They found Jasmine Fiore's Car!

Jasmine Fiore is the 28 year old swimsuit model who was recently brutally murdered, allegedly by her reality star husband, who has since apparently committed suicide. I know, a lot of allegedly/apparently, that's the world we live in... Jasmine's white mercedes has been missing since the crime was committed and police have been looking hard for it, thinking it may hold valuable clues.

The vehicle was found in the parking lot of a West Hollywood grocery store. The police were brought there by a tip from a citizen who noticed it there. The police have been telling everyone to keep an eye out for this car and it seems to have paid off.

Jasmine was married to Ryan Jenkins (shown above) at the time of her death, who recently was on "Megan Wants a Millionaire". She was found in a dumpster with her teeth and fingernails removed. She was identified by the serial numbers on her breast implants.

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